
The Disciples of Venu or the Veni-Yan Warriors were the soldiers for the First and Second Great Wars.


The Veni-Yan generally had a robe with a hood covering their heads.

The Veni-Yan at Old Man's Cave[]

The Veni-Yan at Old Man's Cave were robed in red robes with a big hood covering their face. The captain of the Veni-Yan there was robed in red with white fur crossing on his front to sybolize he is the captain. Without their hoods the Veni-Yan warriors at Old Man's Cave were old with beards. Most of them had brown hair but the captain had long white hair.

The Veni-Yan in Atheia[]

The Veni-Yan in Atheia were robed in purple and red robes with a big hood covering their face. The captain of the Veni-Yan there was robed in red with white fur crossing on his front to sybolize he is the captain. Without their hoods the Veni-Yan warriors in Atheia it is unknown what they look like.
